Internationally represented in 110 countries via 70 distributors.
Check out all the magazine articles written about this innovative technology.
Internationally represented in 110 countries via 70 distributors. Check out all the magazine articles written about this innovative technology.

EndoSystems Technology Wins 2018 Award for Favorite Sculpting Machine
The fourth annual Aestheticians’ Choice Awards (ACA) results are in and EndoSystems technology, the Endermologie® Cellu M6® Integral 2, won first place for favorite sculpting machine.
Endermologie® is a non-invasive treatment for the face and body that manipulates the connective tissue resulting in slimming and cellulite reduction.
The benefits go far beyond aesthetics to encompass your total physiological well-being.

After a session of LPG [face Endermologie®], one ELLE staffer’s boyfriend commented on how amazing her skin looked. Without make-up.
One of the West Coast’s best-kept secrets, the body “contourier” Megan Simon used Endermologie® to make her celebrity clientele look slim, trim and cellulite-free.

Get your skin gorgeous and glowing in time for summer with LPG’s new generation of face peels for radiant, younger-looking skin.
The result? Beautifully smooth skin that glows from the first treatment – and looks better with bi-monthly maintenance treatments. We’re hooked!